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Hi Yogis! (:

If you're reading this, yoga must resonate with you in some way and it’s time to get on the mat. My journey brought me to yoga 15 years ago when I was having pain and discomfort in my body after 2 pregnancies and a lack of attention to my mental and physical well-being. After practicing for some time, I realized that everything I was searching for was already inside of me. I had a lot of help along the way, but I did all the work.  With my second child I had a c-section that left me lost with core and pelvic core connection. With years of practice and finding the right direction in my journey I can say I'm a master at core connection. I started to feel comfortable in my body and in its alignment with my own personal truth. I know, it sounds crazy but it's true. I became aware of my body and knew I could guide others to not only internally connect, but also be aware of their physical and spiritual connection as well.


I believe we all possess the ability to heal. Through movement and awareness of the body, we can learn to release what isn’t serving us and create space for the transformation and abundance we all deserve in our lives.

We can do this better with a teacher's gentle hands on alignment and guidance.

Come and vibe with me on the mat!

I help make yoga accessible so that anyone that wants that mindful connection can do yoga and have the understanding to achieve correct pose alignment and arm balances through the core. Find balance and mental awareness through their breath and correct form safely. I teach at a pace according to YOUR physical abilities and goals. I have a gentle approach that will allow you to feel comfortable so you can enjoy and have fun with your fitness level and learn without feeling overwhelmed! My teaching methods are based on building a strong foundation and proper alignment to allow improvement at a faster pace and ensure avoiding injury. I understand the importance of modifying poses to suit the body, not modifying the body to suit the pose. I cater mainly to beginners and intermediate levels, but even advanced levels can benefit from my teachings to help improve core connection, flexibility and strength at a faster rate. I use many props in my own practice and while teaching if necessary.

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